Joel Shrum moved to Yemen in 2009 using his wife, Janelle, and older son. He went to know Arabic, and soon became passionate about teaching business skills to Yemenis. He soon began working for the Swedish-run International Training Development Centre in Taiz in 2010, and eventually was promoted to deputy director. Among the skills taught there are English as a second language, cooking and sewing, as well as ways to be an electrician and in what way to use computers.

While we want to think all news outlets work tirelessly moves through balanced reports that reflect the good and the bad, news industry will be capitalistic every single other. Simply put, best part about it doesn’t draw audiences so it doesn’t generate revenue. News is designed to be depressing. They show you really bad news and then try to sell you the “Addiction Cure” book. I’m not the leading authority on addiction, but I’m fairly certain it takes more to sober up than some guy’s book! Though I’ll admit that CNN and Fox News these days would drive my church-going grandmother to shots of tequila!

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Like a reluctant schoolboy, I raised my hand, not exactly knowing what the question would include. I felt silly. She quickly picked me, visibly relieved that somebody finally decided to ask her something.ANYTHING!

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